Privacy Policy

<Deepstudio Inc.> Privacy Policy Deepstudio Inc. (PlaySUPERKIND Service) has established the following privacy policy to protect users' personal information and rights in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and to effectively handle user complaints related to personal information. Deepstudio Inc. ("PlaySUPERKIND") will notify users through website announcements (or individual notices) when revising the privacy policy. This policy will be implemented starting from March 24, 2023. ▪ Purposes of Processing Personal Information <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") processes personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following, and if the purpose of use changes, we will take necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent in accordance with Article 18 of the "Personal Information Protection Act". Membership registration and management We process personal information for purposes such as confirming the intention to register as a member, identifying and authenticating individuals for member service provision, maintaining and managing membership qualifications, preventing unauthorized use of services, verifying the consent of legal guardians when processing personal information of children under the age of 14, various notifications and notices, and handling complaints. Providing goods or services We process personal information for purposes such as product delivery, service provision, sending contracts and invoices, providing content, providing personalized services, identity verification, age verification, and fee payment. Handling civil complaints We process personal information for purposes such as verifying the identity of the complainant, checking the details of the complaint, contacting and notifying for fact-finding, and notifying the processing results. Utilization for marketing and advertising We process personal information for purposes such as new service (product) development and personalized service provision, providing event and advertising information and participation opportunities, providing services and advertising based on demographic characteristics, verifying the validity of services, determining access frequency, or generating statistics on members' use of services. ▪ Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") processes and retains personal information within the personal information retention and usage period stipulated by laws and regulations or the personal information retention and usage period agreed upon when collecting personal information from the data subject. <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") will, in principle, destroy the relevant personal information without delay when the purpose of processing personal information has been achieved. Information that is stored for a certain period and then destroyed according to internal policies is as follows: ① <Membership registration and management> Personal information related to <Membership registration and management> is retained and used for the above purposes for up to 3 years from the date of consent for collection and use. Operating basis: Consent of the data subject Storage period: Records related to the collection/processing and use of credit information: 3 years ▪ Personal Information Items Processed ① <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") collects the following minimum personal information as required items for member registration, smooth member consultation, and provision of various services: Email membership registration Required items: Email address, password ② During the service usage process or service provision business process, the following information may be automatically generated or additionally collected: IP address, device information, access logs, visit date and time, payment and purchase information, service usage records, improper usage records, advertising identifiers ▪ Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties ① <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") provides personal information to third parties only when the information subject consents, or when it falls under Article 17 and Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act, such as in cases of special provisions in laws. ② <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") does not provide personal information to third parties. ▪ Outsourcing of personal Information Processing  ① <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") does not outsource personal information processing tasks. ②<Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") stipulates in contracts and other documents matters related to the prohibition of processing personal information outside the scope of the outsourced tasks, technical and administrative protection measures, limitations on re-outsourcing, management and supervision of the trustee, and liability for damages, in accordance with Article 25 of the Personal Information Protection Act, when entering into an outsourcing agreement. Moreover, it supervises the trustee to ensure that personal information is processed safely. ③ If the content of the outsourced tasks or the trustee changes, the company will promptly disclose the information through this personal information processing policy. ▪ Rights, Obligations, and Exercise Methods of the “Members” ① “Members” can exercise their rights to request access, correction, deletion, and suspension of processing of their personal information from <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") at any time. ② The exercise of these rights can be made in writing, by email etc., in accordance with Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act, and <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") will take immediate action. ③ The exercise of these rights can also be made through a legal representative or an authorized agent of the “Member”. In this case, a power of attorney in accordance with the form specified in Annex 11 of the "Notice on Personal Information Processing Methods (No. 2020-7)" must be submitted. ④ The right to access and request the suspension of processing personal information may be limited under Article 35, Paragraph 4, and Article 37, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Information Protection Act. ⑤ Requests for correction and deletion of personal information cannot be made if the personal information is specified as a collection target under other laws. ⑥ <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") verifies whether the person making the request for access, correction, deletion, or suspension of processing is the “Member” themselves or a legitimate representative. ▪ Personal Information Security <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") takes the following measures to ensure the security of personal information: ① Minimize the number of employees handling personal information and provide training We designate employees who handle personal information and limit the responsibility to specific personnel, minimizing the number of employees involved and implementing measures to manage personal information. ② Regular self-audits We conduct regular (quarterly) self-audits to ensure the security of personal information handling. ③ Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan We establish and implement an internal management plan to ensure the safe processing of personal information. ④ Encryption of personal information Users' personal information, such as passwords, is encrypted and stored and managed so that only the individual can access it. Important data is protected using separate security features, such as encrypting files and transmission data or using file locking functions. ⑤ Technical measures against hacking and other threats <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") installs security programs and conducts regular updates and inspections to prevent personal information leaks and damage caused by hacking or computer viruses. We also install systems in areas with controlled access from the outside and monitor and block them technically and physically. ⑥ Access restrictions to personal information We take necessary measures for access control of personal information by granting, changing, and revoking access rights to the database system that processes personal information. We also use intrusion prevention systems to control unauthorized access from the outside. ⑦ Retention of access records and prevention of tampering We retain and manage access records to the personal information processing system for at least six months and use security features to prevent tampering, theft, and loss of access records. ⑧ Installation, operation, and refusal of automatic personal information collection devices <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") does not use "cookies" or similar technologies that store and retrieve user information on an ongoing basis. ▪ Destruction of Personal Information <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND") will, in principle, promptly destroy personal information once the purpose of processing has been achieved. The procedure, deadline, and method of destruction are as follows: - Destruction procedure: The information entered by the user is transferred to a separate database (or in the case of paper, to separate documents) after the purpose has been achieved, and is either destroyed immediately or stored for a certain period according to internal policies and other relevant laws. Personal information transferred to the database is not used for any other purpose unless required by law. - Destruction deadline: Users' personal information is destroyed within 5 days from the end of the storage period if the storage period has expired, or within 5 days from the date when it is deemed unnecessary due to the achievement of the processing purpose, discontinuation of the service, or termination of the business. - Destruction method: For information in electronic file format, we use technical methods that make it impossible to reproduce the records. ▪ Personal Information Protection Officer ① <Deepstudio Inc.> is responsible for overseeing personal information processing tasks and has designated a Personal Information Protection Officer as follows to handle complaints and remedy damages related to personal information processing for “Members”: ‣ Personal Information Protection Officer Name: Ki-hyun Ryu Position: CEO Contact: ‣ Personal Information Protection Department Department: Security Team Contact person: Beom-seok Cho Contact: ② “Members” may inquire about any matters related to personal information protection, complaints handling, and damage remediation that arise while using the services (or business) of Deepstudio Inc. ("PlaySUPERKIND") with the Personal Information Protection Officer and the responsible department. Deepstudio Inc. ("PlaySUPERKIND") will promptly respond and address “Members’” inquiries. ▪ Request for Personal Information Access The following institutions  <Business/Organization Name> are independent from <Deepstudio Inc.> ("PlaySUPERKIND"). If you are not satisfied with the results of Deepstudio Inc.'s internal personal information complaint handling and damage remediation, or if you need more detailed assistance, please contact these institutions: ▶ Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency) Jurisdiction: Reporting and consultation on personal information infringement Website: Phone: 118 (without area code) Address: Personal Information Infringement Report Center, Korea Internet & Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-950 ▶ Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency) Jurisdiction: Application for personal information dispute mediation, collective dispute mediation (civil resolution) Website: Phone: 118 (without area code) Address: Personal Information Infringement Report Center, Korea Internet & Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-950 ▶ Cybercrime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3573 ( ▶ Cybercrime Investigation Division, National Police Agency: 1566-0112 ( ▪ Changes to the Privacy Policy This Privacy Policy will be effective from March 24, 2023.

PlaySUPERKIND All rights reserved & powered by Deepstudio.

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